Surgery for nasopharyngeal cancer

Surgery is not a common treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer. Find out when you might need surgery and what to expect after the operation.

Types of surgery for nasopharyngeal cancer

Surgery is not a common treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer. You are more likely to have it for cancer that has come back in the nasopharynx or the lymph nodes in your neck.

Before your operation for nasopharyngeal cancer

Before you have your operation you will meet members of your healthcare team. They will tell you how to prepare for the operation and you may also some tests.

On the day of nasopharyngeal cancer surgery

Your nurse will help to get you ready for surgery before you go to the operating theatre.

After nasopharyngeal cancer surgery

Depending on the type of operation you have, you may stay in hospital for up to week afterwards. You will also need to give yourself time to recover once you are home. Find out about what to expect shortly after your operation. 

Last reviewed: 
02 Apr 2024
Next review due: 
02 Apr 2027