Treatment for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

Your treatment depends on several factors. These include where in your mouth or oropharynx your cancer is, what type you have, how big it is and whether it has spread (the stage). It also depends on your general health. 

The main treatments for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy, and targeted and immunotherapy. You may also have treatment to reduce the symptoms and help you feel better. A team of doctors and other professionals discuss the best treatment and care for you.

Preparing for treatment and life afterwards (prehabilitation)

There are things you can do to help you feel more in control of your physical and mental health when preparing for treatment. In the hospital, preparing for treatment is also called prehabilitation or prehab.

Treatment options for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

A team of doctors and other professionals discuss the best treatment and care for you. The treatment you have depends on the type of cancer and the stage of your cancer.


Surgery for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

Surgery is one of the main treatments for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer. You might also have surgery to relieve symptoms, such as difficulty with eating.

Chemoradiotherapy for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

Chemoradiotherapy means having chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment together. It is one of the main treatments for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer.

Chemotherapy for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

Chemotherapy uses anti cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells. The drugs circulate throughout the body in the bloodstream.

Radiotherapy for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

Radiotherapy uses high energy waves similar to x-rays to kill cancer cells. You usually have external beam radiotherapy for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer. 

Targeted and immunotherapy drugs for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

Targeted cancer drugs work by targeting the differences in cancer cells that help them to grow and survive. Immunotherapy drugs help the immune system to attack the cancer.


Follow up for mouth and oropharyngeal cancer

After treatment, you have regular check ups and tests at the hospital. The doctors check how you are and see whether you have any problems or worries.

Last reviewed: 
15 Jul 2024
Next review due: 
15 Jul 2027