Pictures of mouth cancer

These photos give you an idea of what possible mouth cancers can look like, but remember that they might appear differently to this.

It's important to be aware of the symptoms of mouth cancer so you can contact your GP or dentist if you notice anything abnormal. There are pictures of:

  • a shallow ulcer
  • a speckled ulcer
  • tongue cancer
  • a red patch under the tongue

A shallow ulcer

Below is a picture of a shallow ulcer on the lower lip.

Photo showing cancer on lip

A speckled ulcer

The picture below shows a speckled ulcer on the inside of the cheek.

Photo showing mouth cancer

Tongue cancer

This picture below shows cancer on the side of the tongue.

Photo showing cancer on the tongue

A red patch under the tongue

Below is a picture of a red patch underneath the tongue.

Photograph showing mouth cancer under tongue
  • Oropharyngeal cancer: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines

    H Mehanna and others 

    The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 2016. Volume 130, Supplement S2, Pages: S90 to S96

  • Oral cavity and lip cancer: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines

    C Kerawala and others 

    The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 2016. Volume 130, Supplement S2, Pages S83 to S89

  • Suspected cancer: recognition and referral

    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2015 (updated October 2023)

  • Scottish cancer referral guidelines

    NHS Scotland January, 2019

Last reviewed: 
15 Jul 2024
Next review due: 
15 Jul 2027

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