Follow up after treatment for laryngeal cancer

After treatment for laryngeal cancer, you have regular check ups. You might also have tests during your appointments. This usually includes a nasoendoscopy. Over time, these appointments become less frequent.

Why you have follow up appointments

You usually have follow up appointments to check how you are and see whether you have any problems or worries. The appointments also give you the chance to raise any concerns you have about your progress.

Seeing a speech and language therapist

You might also need follow up appointments with your speech and language therapist. 

How often are my check ups?

Generally, people with head and neck cancers are followed up for a minimum of 5 years. This may depend on your type of cancer. Some people may have follow up appointments beyond 5 years. 

You might have follow up appointments:

  • every 2 months (8 weeks) for 2 years
  • every 3 to 6 months thereafter for up to 5 years 

Your follow up may continue after 5 years if your doctor and you think it is needed. 

If you are worried or notice any new symptoms between appointments, you must let your doctor know as soon as possible. You don't have to wait until your next appointment.

What happens during the appointments?

Your doctor or specialist nurse examines you at each appointment. They ask how you are feeling, whether you have had any symptoms or side effects, and if you are worried about anything.

You usually have a naseoendoscopy. This is a flexible tube put up your nose and down your throat to look at your larynx, or the area where it was before surgery.


Depending on your symptoms your doctor may arrange some tests for you. You might have some tests on the day of your appointment or they might be booked for another day. Your nurse or doctor will tell you more about these tests. 

If you or your doctor have any concerns about your health, you might have:

  • blood tests
  • x-rays
  • a CT or MRI scan
  • a PET-CT scan 
  • an ultrasound scan 
  • a biopsy of the area

Some types of surgery or external radiotherapy to your neck can lower your thyroid hormone levels, which can make you very tired. You have blood tests to check your thyroid hormone levels. 

After treatment for early stage laryngeal cancer you don't usually have frequent follow up scans. You may have scans after treatment for more advanced laryngeal cancer. Your healthcare team will tell you if you need scans and how often you have them. They will organise them when appropriate.

Between your appointments

Let your doctor know as soon as possible if you are worried or notice any new symptoms between appointments. You don’t have to wait until your next appointment.

Many people find their check ups quite worrying. If you are feeling well and getting on with life, a hospital appointment can bring back all the worry about your cancer. You might find it helpful to tell someone close to you how you are feeling. If you can share your worries they might not seem quite so bad.

It is now quite common for people to have counselling after cancer treatment. Do look for counselling organisations if you would like to talk to someone outside your own friends and family.

You can also find people to share experiences with by using our online forum, Cancer Chat.

Cancer Research UK nurses

For support and information, you can call the Cancer Research UK information nurses. They can give advice about who can help you and what kind of support is available. Freephone: 0808 800 4040 - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Giving up smoking

Your doctor will advise you to try to give up smoking, if you still smoke after your treatment.

Giving up smoking can be very difficult, especially if you have smoked for a long time. But it does give you many benefits, which include:

  • reducing your risk of getting another head and neck cancer
  • reducing your risk of getting a different smoking related cancer
  • helping your recovery by reducing the risk of some side effects

Your doctor or specialist nurse can give you contact details of services that can help you stop.

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