Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) uses radio waves to heat up tumour cells in the liver and destroy them.

The heat only travels a short distance, so most of the healthy liver tissue is not affected. 

  • Guidelines for the management of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine (including carcinoid) tumours (NETs)
    JK Ramage and others
    Gut,  2012. Volume 61, Issue 1

  • Therapeutic strategies for neuroendocrine liver metastases
    A Frilling and AK Clift
    Cancer, 2015. Volume 121, Issue 8

  • Recommendations for management of patients with neuroendocrine liver metastases
    A Frilling and others
    Lancet Oncology, 2014. Volume 15, Issue 1

Last reviewed: 
22 Jun 2016

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